Cheaveable Calcium

BY Muhammad Ubaid # 93639762

TIANSHI Group has developed a better improved formula for Calcium known as -IONISED CALCIUM which can be rapidly assimilated into the body compared with the regular Calcium (non-ionized). Between all the elements that enter into our body Calcium is on the 5th place after Carbon, Oxygen, hydrogen & Nitrogen. Calcium is considered the "king of bio-elements" in human body, being found in proportion of 99% into bones, hard tissues and 1% into blood, soft tissues. When the Molecular Calcium goes into the body, could be transformed into phosphatic calcium and therefore our body rejects most out of this.

pH Maintenance
Virtually all degenerative diseases are associated with excess acidity in the body; including cancer, heart disease, osteoporosis, arthritis, some forms of hypertension, kidney stones, gall stones, and tooth decay, sleep disturbances and depressive disorders. Over acidity gives rise to an internal environment conductive to disease. The first and most obvious effects of an acidic body are fatigue, lethargy, a feeling of stiffness (especially upon waking), Calcium is one of the most powerful things you can do to maintain proper pH levels, and to reverse acidic conditions. According to Surgeon General Richard Carmona, by the year 2020, half of older Americans will be at risk of fractures from osteoporosis.

Zymolytic bone calcium (ionized) from Ox, De-fatted Milk powder ,Strawberry flavor,Stearate Magnesium ,Gelatin, Vitamin D ,Ponceau.

Osteoporosis,1,2 Arthritis,
Premenstrual Syndrome
Tetany, 1, Muscles cramps,
Hypertension 4,
Tooth decay 1,
Recommended Daily Allowance - Calcium
Men 1200 mg
Women 1200 mg
Children 800 mg
Infants 500 mg
Lactating Women 1200 mg
Pragnent Women 1200 mg
One tab. B.D. after meal.

Contraindications have not yet been identified.
Adverse Reactions :-
Mild GI discomfort
Information regarding safety and efficacy in pregnancy and lactation is safe.
Interactions With Medicine And Dietary Supplements:-
In theory, spirulina and other regular calcium may increase blood calcium to unsafe levels if calcium supplements are also used concomitantly.
1. New England Journal of Medicine - Effect of Calcium Supplementation on Bone Loss in Postmenopausal Women.
2. New England Journal Of Medicine - Effect of Calcium and Vit. D supplements on bone density in men and women 65 years of age or older.
3. Role of calcium and dairy products in energy partitioning and weight management.
Am J Clin Nutr. 2004 May;79(5):907S-912S.
4. Studies have shown that as calcium intake increases, body fat may decrease and that
calcium may inhibit the tendency for lipid storage. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
5. Calcium and weight: clinical studies. J Am Coll Nutr. 2002 Apr;21(2):152S-155S. 


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